There are several NCLEX practice questions related to fluid and electrolyte imbalance which are given as below with answers:


  1. The nurse is caring for a client with heart failure. On the assessment. the nurse notes that the client is dyspneic, and crackles are audible on auscultation. What additional manifestations would the nurse expect to note in this client if excess fluid volume is present?
    1. Weight loss and dry skin
    2. Flat neck and hand veins and decreased urinary output
    3. An increase in blood pressure and increased respirations
    4. Weakness and decreased central venous pressure (CVP)
  2. The nurse reviews a client’s record and determines that the client is at risk for developing a potassium deficit if which situation is documented?
    1. Sustained tissue damage
    2. Requires nasogastric suction
    3. Has a history of Addison’s disease
    4. Uric acid level of 9.4mg/dL (557mcmol/L)
  3. The nurse reviews a client’s electrolyte laboratory report and notes that the potassium level is 2.5mEq/L. Which patterns should the nurse watch for on the electrocardiogram as a result of the laboratory value? Select all that apply.?
    1. U waves
    2. Absent P waves
    3. Inverted T waves
    4. Depressed ST segment
    5. Widened QRS complex
  4. Potassium chloride intravenously is prescribed for a client with heart failure experiencing hypokalemia. Which actions should the nurse take to plan for preparation and administration of the potassium? Select all that apply.
    1. Obtain an IV intravenous infusion pump
    2. Monitor urine output during administration
    3. Prepare the medication for the bolus administration
    4. Monitor the IV site for signs of infiltration or phlebitis
    5. Ensure that the medication is diluted in the appropriate volume of the fluid
    6. Ensure that the bag is labeled so that it reads the volume of potassium in the solution
  5. The nurse is assessing a client with a lactose intolerance disorder for a suspected diagnosis of hypocalcemia. Which clinical manifestation would the nurse expect to note in this client?
    1. Twitching
    2. Hypoactive bowel sounds
    3. Negative Trousseau’s sign
    4. Hypoactive deep tendon reflexes
  6. The nurse is caring for the client with Crohn’s disease who has a calcium level of 8mg/dL. Which pattern would the nurse watch for on the electrocardiogram? Select all that apply. SATA
    1. U waves
    2. Widened T wave
    3. Prominent U wave
    4. Prolonged QT interval
    5. Prolonged ST segment
  7. The nurse reviews the electrolyte results of a client with chronic kidney disease and notes that the potassium level is 5.7 mEq/L. Which patterns would the nurse watch for on the cardiac monitor as a result of the laboratory value? Select all that apply.
    1. ST depression
    2. Prominent U wave
    3. Tall, peaked T waves
    4. Prolonged ST segment
    5. Widened QRS complexes
  8. Which client is at risk for the development of a sodium level at 130mEq/L?
    1. The client who is taking diuretics
    2. The client with hyperaldosteronism
    3. The client with Cushing syndrome
    4. The client who is taking corticosteroids
  9. The nurse is caring for a client with a heart failure who is receiving high doses of a diuretic. On the assessment, the nurse notes that the client has flat neck veins, generalizes muscle weakness, and diminished deep tendon reflexes. The nurse suspects hyponatremia. What additional signs would the nurse expect to note in a client with hyponatremia?
    1. Muscle twitches
    2. Decreased urine output
    3. Hyperactive bowel sounds
    4. Increased specific gravity of the urine
  10. The nurse reviews a client’s laboratory report and notes that the client’s serum phosphorus or phosphate level is 1.8 mg/dL. Which condition most likely caused this serum phosphorus level?
    1. Malnutrition
    2. Renal insufficiency
    3. Hypoparathyroidism
    4. Tumor lysis syndrome
  11. The nurse is reading a primary health care provider’s PHCP progress notes in the client’s record and reads that the PHCP has documented “insensible fluid loss of approximately 800mL daily.” the nurse makes a notation that insensible fluid loss occurs through which type of excretion?
    1. Urinary output
    2. Wound drainage
    3. Integumentary output
    4. The gastrointestinal tract
  12. The nurse is assigned to care for a group of clients. On review of the clients’ medical records, the nurse determines that which client is most likely at risk for a fluid volume deficit?
    1. A client with an ileostomy
    2. A client with heart failure
    3. A client on long term corticosteroid therapy
    4. A client receiving frequent wound irrigations
  13. The nurse caring for a client who has been receiving intravenous IV diuretics suspects that the client is experiencing a fluid volume deficit. Which assessment finding would the nurse note in a client with this condition?
    1. Weight loss and poor skin turgor
    2. Lung congestion and increased heart rate
    3. Decreased hematocrit and increased urine output
    4. Increased respirations and increased blood pressure
  14. On review of the clients’ medical records, the nurse determines that which client is at risk fluid volume excess?
    1. The client taking diuretics who has tenting of the skin.
    2. The client with an ileostomy from a recent abdominal surgery.
    3. The client who requires intermittent gastrointestinal suctioning.
    4. The client with kidney disease and a 12-year history of diabetes mellitus.
  15. Which client is at risk for the development of a potassium level of 5.5mEq/L?
    1. The client with colitis
    2. The client with Cushing syndrome
    3. The client who has been overusing laxatives
    4. The client who has sustained a traumatic burn


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