CNO’s council approved proposed regulations to get more nurses registered

CON The College of Nurses of Ontario protects the public via promotion of safe nursing practice.

THIS INCLUDES: REGISTRATION OF THE NURSES with the knowledge, skill and judgement, for the provision of safely care in Ontario

In August, CNO and its council directed by the Minister of Health to register the internationally educated nurses as soon as possible.

CNO has closely collab with the government to propose changes to modify Temporary registration and reinstatement regulations to enable the timelier registration of nurses.

Naomi Thick, CNO Council president also said that these significant regulatory actions will further expedite the registration of the internationally educated nurses in Ontario

On the top of that, CNO’s Council also approved these regulations, summitted to the government for the review, and for approval.

Once government will give approval, then regulation take effect

Silvie Crawford, Executive Director and CEO of CNO also added that we are resolutely committed to protect the public by registering safe and competent nurses.

The regulation changes proposed by the council will allow CNO to build and share applicant statistics on this site. Click here to know registrant statics Registration Totals at a Glance (

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